DHW Tagen (Tagen)

  • Champion

DHW Tagen (Tagen)


Tagen is a very sweet little dog, she loves attention and cuddles. All our dogs love treat/trick time, but Tagen will do anything for a treat, her attention span is amazing. She loves all treats, even vegetables, carrots, broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, pretty much anything I’m cutting up, she wants to try.  She’s my constant companion in the kitchen, hanging out with me long after the other dogs have decided things are more interesting elsewhere. She’s become my taste tester, she’ll try anything and occasionally I get the “seriously mom” look, uck. But not very often. 

Tagen is a beautiful little dog, she looks very much like her grandpa Rufus and sports a spotted ear that I’m sure came from Leeim (Cedar Hollow Prince William of Eaglehorse). I guess growing up with grandpa Rufus has rubbed off, she also has acquired many of his mannerisms as well. I often have to do a double take, just to be sure which dog it is. I think they try to confuse me on purpose, that Shorty Jack sense of humor.