Cedar Hollow Sugar Sue (Roo)
- Sex: Female
- Date of Birth: August 24th, 2012
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- Sire: Cedar Hollow Dewey
- Dam: Cedar Hollow Cassidy
- Owner: Jo Sebby
We had been on the waiting list at a Cedar Hollow for a female puppy for over a year. Our choices were limited because we needed a female we could breed to Rufus and Rufus’s dad Leeim(Cedar Hollow Prince William of Eaglehorse) was from Cedar Hollow.
We recieved a call from Shar at Cedar Hollow asking if we were interested in an adult female instead, this is how Cedar Hollow Sugar Sue came to live with us. I soon began calling her Sugar Sue the Kangaroo, Roo for short. This was because she could bounce really well, but jumping up on just about anything baffled her. She’s still not a very good jumper, but you couldn’t ask for a sweeter dog.
Roo was two years old when we got her and we soon had a litter of two puppies, Winston and Lucy. Winston went to live with grandpa Leeim and the Pushovers, Lucy lives with a retired couple and fills their days with love and companionship.
Roo’s next litter was six girls. By this time Mike had to have his very own shorty, he picked his girl and we named her “Nuttah” Nuttah has a heart on her right side, Nuttah is Blackfeet for “My Heart”. Out of the remaining five puppies, two went on to become therapy dogs. The others are beloved family members.